顾岩岭,女,河南新乡人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2019于湖南大学获环境科学与工程专业博士学位。2019年10月入职长沙理工大学材料科学与工程学院。已发表SCI论文30余篇(其中有6篇ESI 1% Highly Cited Paper高被引论文,1篇论文连续7次上榜ESI发布的ESI 0.1% HOT PAPER热点论文榜单)
[1]Q.M.Fu , X.F.Tan*, S.J.Ye, L.L.Ma **,Y.L.Gu***,P.Zhang, Q.Chen, Y.Y.Yang, Y.Q.Tang.Mechanism analysis of heavy metal lead captured by natural-agedmicroplastics. Chemosphere. 2021, 270: 128624(共同通讯)
[2]Y.L. Gu, J.H. Huang, G.M. Zeng, L.X. Shi, Y.H. Shi, K.X. Yi. Fate of Pharmaceuticals during Membrane Bioreactor Treatment: Status and Perspectives. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 268: 733-748.
[3] J.H. Huang*,Y.L. Gu, G.M. Zeng, L.X. Shi, Y.H. Shi, K.X. Yi, Y. Yang, Y.C. Ouyang. Control of indigenous quorum quenching bacteria on membrane biofouling in a short-period MBR. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 283: 261-269.
[4]Y.L. Gu, J.H. Huang, G.M. Zeng, Y.H. Shi, Y. Hu, B. Tang, J.X. Zhou, W.H. Xu, L.X. Shi. Quorum Quenching Activity of Indigenous Quorum Quenching Bacteria and Its Potential Application in Mitigation of Membrane Biofouling. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2018, 93 (5): 1394-1400.
[5]Y.L. Gu, W.H. Xu, Y.G. Liu, G.M. Zeng, J.H. Huang, X.F. Tan, H. Jian, X. Hu, F. Li, D.F. Wang. Mechanism of Cr(VI) Reduction by Aspergillus Niger: Enzymatic Characteristic, Oxidative Stress Response, and Reduction Product. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22 (8): 6271-6279.
[6] X.H. Wang,Y.L. Gu, X.F. Tan, Y.G. Liu, Y.H. Zhou, X.J. Hu, X.X. Cai, W.H. Xu, C. Zhang, S.H. Liu. Functionalized biochar/clay composites for reducing the bioavailable fraction of arsenic and cadmium in river sediment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.(共同一作)
[7] X.F. Tan, Y.G. Liu, G.M. Zeng, X. Wang, X.J. Hu,Y.L. Gu, Z.Z. Yang. Application of Biochar for the Removal of Pollutants from Aqueous Solutions. Chemosphere. 2015, 125: 70-85.(热点论文;高被引论文)
[8] J.H. Huang, Y.H. Shi, G.M. Zeng,Y.L. Gu, G.Q. Chen, L.X. Shi Y. Hu, B. Tang, J.X. Zhou. Acyl-Homoserine Lactone-Based Quorum Sensing and Quorum Quenching Hold Promise to Determine the Performance of Biological Wastewater Treatments: An Overview. Chemosphere. 2016, 157: 137-151.(高被引论文)
[9] X.F. Tan, Y.G. Liu,Y.L. Gu, Y. Xu, G.M. Zeng, X.J. Hu, S.B. Liu, X. Wang, S.M. Liu, J. Li. Biochar-Based Nano-Composites for the Decontamination of Wastewater: A Review. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 212: 318-333.(高被引论文)
[10] J.H. Huang, F. Yuan, G.M. Zeng, X. Li,Y.L. Gu, L.X. Shi, W.C. Liu, Y.H. Shi. Influence of Ph on Heavy Metal Speciation and Removal from Wastewater Using Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration. Chemosphere. 2017, 173: 199-206.(高被引论文)
[11] Y.H. Shi, J.H. Huang, G.M. Zeng,Y.L. Gu, Y.N. Chen, Y. Hu, B. Tang, J.X. Zhou, Y. Yang, L.X. Shi. Exploiting Extracellular Polymeric Substances (Eps) Controlling Strategies for Performance Enhancement of Biological Wastewater Treatments: an Overview. Chemosphere. 2017, 180: 396-411.(高被引论文)
[12] X.F. Tan, Y.G. Liu,Y.L. Gu, G.M. Zeng, S.B. Liu, X.J. Hu, X. Wang, S.H. Liu, L. Jiang. Biochar as Potential Sustainable Precursors for Activated Carbon Production: Multiple Applications in Environmental Protection and Energy Storage. Bioresource Technology. 2017, 227: 359-372.(高被引论文)
[13] Y.H. Shi, J.H. Huang, G.M. Zeng,Y.L. Gu, Y. Hu, B. Tang, J.X. Zhou, Y. Yang, L.X. Shi. Evaluation of Soluble Microbial Products (SMP) on Membrane Fouling in Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) at the Fractional and Overall Level: A Review. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology. 2018, 17 (1): 71-85.(高被引论文)