1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(5197052277): 陶瓷复合涂层摩擦界面自润滑膜构筑及润滑机理研究,参研
2. 国家重点研发计划(2020YFB2007900): 高性能电机绝缘轴承关键技术研究与应用,参研
3. 中国科学院材料磨损与防护重点实验室青年基金项目(SYSQJ-2020-1)空化应力发光涂层的制备及智能空蚀预警性能研究,参研
1.Yijing Wang; Yulong An*; Huidi Zhou*. The interaction mechanism of cavitation erosion and corrosion on HVOF sprayed NiCrWMoCuCBFe coating in artificial seawater. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 525, 146499.
2.Yijing Wang; Yulong An*; Huidi Zhou*. Effects of microstructure and mechanical properties on cavitation erosion resistance of NiCrWMoCuCBFe coatings. Applied Surface Science 2021, 547, 149125.
3.Yijing Wang; Xiaoqin Zhao*; Yulong An*. Effect of microstructure evolution of Ti6Al4V alloy on its cavitation erosion and corrosion resistance in artificial seawater. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2022, 100, 169-181.
4.Yijing Wang; Xiaoqin Zhao*; Yulong An*. High temperature induced “glaze” layer formed in HVOF-sprayed NiCrWMoCuCBFe coating and its wear reduction mechanism, Friction, 2022, 9(10), 1424-1438.
5.YijingWang; Xiaoqin Zhao*; Yulong An*. Effect of the microstructure of corrosion products on tribo-corrosion performance of HVOF-sprayed NiCrWMoCuCBFe coating, Corrosion Science, 2022, 207, 110597.
6.Yijing Wang; Yulong An*. Effect of cooling rate during annealing on microstructure and ultrasonic cavitation behaviors of Ti6Al4V alloy, Wear, 2023, 512-513, 204529.
7.Yijing Wang; Xiaoqin Zhao∗; Yulong An∗. The synergistic action of Ag and MoS2on tribological properties of Al2O3/Ag(MoS2) composite coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023, 466, 129633.