

发布日期:2024年10月10日 来源: 作者:

Dr. Jejal Bathi is a Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and also Environmental Engineering Program Coordinator of College of Engineering and Computer Science at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Dr. Bathi’s academic experience includes postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Alabama, AL and Research Scientist assignment at Jackson State University, MS. He has BS degree in Chemical Technology from Osmania University, India, and MS degree in Environmental Engineering from National University of Singapore. He is a certified Professional Engineer (P.E.) with over 10 years of industrial experience and an interdisciplinary education background with degrees in Civil and Chemical Engineering. My industrial experience also includes entrepreneurial activity where he started an engineering consulting company and provided services to wide range of public and private agencies. He has mentored several undergraduate and graduate students on their thesis research and investigated multiple research topics funded by state and federal agencies in the United States.
