

发布日期:2024年10月10日 来源: 作者:

Dr Ignatius Fomunung is a Professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). Since 2016, he also has an appointment as Visiting Professor at Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST) in Hunan Province China. He obtained the MS and Ph.D. degrees in Civil (Transportation) Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). He also holds a MS in Atomic and Molecular Physics from Clark Atlanta University, GA, and a BS in Civil Engineering from the Southeast University, China. Dr Fomunung teaches courses and conducts research in the fields of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), transportation-energy-air quality analysis and modeling, transportation planning and land use development, and in infrastructure systems design, analysis, monitoring, and rehabilitation. He is the director of UTC’s Center for Energy, Transportation, and the Environment (CETE) where research and advanced testing of alternative fuels, including batteries (Electric Vehicles) and hydrogen propulsion of vehicles is carried out. Recently, Dr Fomunung has diversified his focus area to include research in STEM education, exploring strategies that promote student matriculation, persistence, and success in STEM fields. Dr Fomunung has published extensively and conducted externally funded research worth over $5 million as PI and Co-PI in the last 10 years.
