
Vicentiu D. Radulscu:Some mathematical models in applied sciences: singularities, fractals and non-Newtonian fluids
2024年04月17日 | 点击次数:次

报告内容:Some mathematical models in applied sciences: singularities, fractals and non-Newtonian fluids

承办单位: 数学与统计学院


报告人所在单位:University of Craiova.

报告人职称/职务及学术头衔: 教授/博士生导师



报告人简介: Radulescu Vicentiu克拉约瓦大学教授,波兰AGH科技大学教授,罗马尼亚国家科学院终身教授,博士毕业于巴黎六大,师从世界著名偏微分方程专家Haim Brezis教授。Radulescu Vicentiu教授主要从事非线性椭圆方程、带退化和奇异线性的数学物理方程、非齐次微分算子的谱分析及其在电流变液中的应用等工作,尤其在非线性分析和非线性椭圆形偏微分方程方面有着很深的学术造诣和威望,出版专著10部,发表高水平和高影响的学术论文490余篇,论文发表在J. Math. Pures Appl.,Math. Annalen, Math. Z., Transactions AMS, Israel J. Math., J. Differential Equation等发表高水平和高影响的学术论文,多次主持罗马尼亚国家科学研究委员会科研项目。Radulescu Vicentiu教授是Clarivate Analytics高被引研究者,论文被引用次数高达10816余次,应邀主题发言、大会报告和邀请报告50多次,得到了学术界的高度认可,并作为大会主席组织了多个专题国际学术大会。Radulescu Vicentiu教授现任《Advances in Nonlinear Analysis》等高水平数学期刊的主编。 Radulescu Vicentiu教授是中国-罗马尼亚应用数学研究中心的创始人。

报告摘要I shall report on some of my research interests during the past years. I will start with an overview of the study of singularities in the context of the Ginzburg-Landau systems, which describes basic phenomena arising in superconductivity and superfluids. Next, I will refer to an important class of domains with irregular boundary. They can be seen everywhere around us and are called “fractals”. A new class of differential operators associated with non-Newtonian fluids will be commented in the second part of my talk. I shall conclude with a very spectacular formula, which shows once more the beauty of mathematics.
