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一、 个人照片


殷新锋:男,湖湘青年英才, 教授,博士研究生导师,博士,美国土木工程学会(ASCE)会员,美国交通与城市发展学会会员。国际著名杂志《Journal of bridge engineering》、《Engineering structures》及国内《工程力学》、《中国公路学报》等多个杂志审稿专家。为教育部“创新团队发展计划”、湖南省自然科学基金创新研究群体主要核心成员。2015年5月,个人成长事迹获得了《新华网》、《红网》及《新浪网》等十余家主要媒体网站正面报道。



Ø20168月至20183获中国留学基金委资助出访美国休斯顿大学(Houston University)师从G.B.Song教授访问交流

Ø20088月至20099获中国留学基金委资助出访美国路易斯安纳州立大学(Louisiana State University)师从C.S.Cai教授学习,联合培养博士生;

Ø20049月至20105湖南大学 土木工程学院 桥梁工程系攻读桥梁与隧道工程专业博士学位;







近年来主持国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划子课题1项,国家自然科学基金项目1项,湖南省科技计划项目1项,教育厅项目2项。主持十余项横向课题:湖北省嘉鱼长江大桥、浙江温岭高架桥、涪陵乌江悬索桥、四川泸州合江长江二桥、贵州毕节流仓大桥、湖北嘉鱼长江大桥摊桥,四川大坑河连续刚构桥等施工监控项目。在国内外权威刊物和学术会议上公开发表论文60余篇,其中第一作或者通讯被SCI收录22篇, EI收录27篇。培养研究生22名。软件著作权2项,专利5项,专著3本。获得省部级4次,教学成果奖1次。





[4]湖南省委组织部/共青团湖南省委/湖南省科技厅“湖湘青年人才计划项目 [2015RS4052]”;

[5]湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目“超载运营下服役桥梁冲击系数及行车安全性可靠度研究 [13k051] ”;




[1] Xinfeng YinBridge dynamicbehaviorbased on vehicle-bridge interactionsLAMBERT Academic Publishing(October10, 2017).ISBN: 978-3-659-83185-0: 7.5万字。(英文专著)

[2] Xinfeng Yin著【Dynamic assessment of existing bridge structures under moving vehiclesJustFiction Edition (August 10, 2017) ISBN: 978-620-2-48904-1 :5.6万字(英文专著)



在国内外权威刊物和学术会议上公开发表论文60余篇,其中被SCI收录22篇, EI收录27篇,其他论文11篇。









(2)“公路混凝土桥梁运营期力学性能评估方法及其应用” 获2013年中国公路学会科学技术进步二等奖,第3完成人。获奖者:刘扬,王磊,殷新锋,彭晖,王达,彭建新,邓扬,孙长军,韦福堂,蒋友宝,马亚飞,郝海霞,肖丹,吕毅刚,鲁乃唯;


(4)第15届湖南省自然科学论文一等奖(排名第1) “Lateral vibration of high-pier bridge under moving vehicular loads”. Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Zhi Fang, C.S.Cai.



[1] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Zhi Fang, C.S.Cai. Lateral vibration of high-pier bridge under moving vehicular loads [Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE) ] 2011 163,400-412AN(20112214019400) (SCI) .

[2] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Zhi Fang, C.S.Cai and Lu Deng. Non-stationary random vibration of bridges under vehicles with variable speed. [Engineering Structures] 2010 32 (8)2166-2174. AN(20102513019181) (SCI) .

[3] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋),C.S.Cai, Zhi Fang and Lu Deng. Bridge vibration under vehicular loads-tire patch contact versus point contact [International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics] (2010) 10 (3) 529-554. AN(20102513023310) (SCI) .

[4] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋),Liu yang, C.S.Cai, Zhi Fang. Experimental and numerical studies of non-stationary random vibration for a high-pier bridge under vehicular loads [Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE)] 2013,18(10):1005-1020.(20134016803058) (SCI).

[5] Liu yang, Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋)(通讯作者), Zhang Jianren. Impact factors of an old bridge under moving vehicular loads. Structural Engineering and Mechanics.2013/46(3):353-370.(20132116347857). (SCI)

[6] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang, Deng Lu,C.S.Cai. Impact factors of bridges in service under stochastic traffic flow and road surface progressive deterioration. Advances in Structural Engineering (An international journal) 2016/19 (1) 38-52. (SCI)

[7] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang, Guo Shihui, C.S.Cai. Three-dimensional vibrations of a suspension bridge under stochastic traffic flows and road roughness. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2016 (16):1550038. DOI: 10.1142/S0219455415500388 (SCI)

[8] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu YangDeng Lu, Kong Xuan.Dynamic Behavior of Damaged Bridge with Multi-Cracks Under Moving Vehicular Loads[International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics] 2017,17,(2): 1750019 (SCI)

[9] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang, and Kong Bo. Vibration behaviors of a damaged bridge under moving vehicular loads. [Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An international journal] 2016, 58(2):199-216. (SCI)

[10] Liu yang, Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋)(通讯作者), Deng Lu, Cai C.S.. Ride comfort of the bridge-traffic-wind coupled system considering bridge surface progressive deterioration. [Wind and Structures] 2016 23(1):19-43. (SCI)

[11] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang, Kong Bo, Chen S.R. Experimental and Numerical Studies of a Damaged Bridge Considering Stochastic Traffic Flows and Road Roughness. [International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics] 2017,17(8):1750089, DOI: 10.1142/S0219455417500894.(SCI)

[12]Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang.The vertical vibrations of a suspension bridge based on the traffic-pavement-bridge coupled system [Earthquakes and Structures,An International Journal] 2017 124):457-468. (SCI)

[13]Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang.Assessment simulation of ride safety and comfort based on the wind-traffic-pavement-bridge coupled vibration [Wind and Structures] 2017 243):287-306 .(SCI)

[14]Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang.Dynamic vibrations of a vehicle-pavement-bridge coupled system [Structural Engineering and Mechanics] (Accepted) .(SCI)

[15]Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Liu Yang.Probability analysisof the vibration for a long-span bridge under stochastic traffic and surface roughness. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 2018 18918501081-17(SCI)

[16] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋);Y. Liu ; G. Song ;Y.L. Mo. Suppression of bridge vibration induced by moving vehicles using Pounding Tuned Mass Dampers. Journal of bridge engineering (ASCE) 2018 23(7). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001256

[17] Yin X.F(殷新锋).; Song G.; Liu Y. Vibration suppression of wind/traffic/bridge coupled system using Multiple Pounding Tuned Mass Dampers (MPTMD). Wind and Structure(Accepted) (SCI)

[18] Yin X.F.(殷新锋); Song G.; Liu Y. Vibration suppression of a high-pier bridge induced by traffic load using Multiple Pounding Tuned Mass Dampers (MPTMD). Engineering structure(Accepted) (SCI)

[19]Liu Y., (殷新锋),Liming, Xinfeng Yin(通讯作者). A Trans-Scale Analysis Method for the Detail Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of an Orthotropic Steel Deck. Journal of Aerospace Engineering (ASCE).(Accepted)(SCI)

[20] Zou, Q., *Deng, L., Guo, T., and Yin, Xinfeng(殷新锋). (2015). “Comparative study of different numerical models for vehicle-bridge interaction analysis.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,(Accepted). (SCI)

[21]Yan, W., *Deng, L., and Yin, X. (殷新锋) (2015). “Allowable slope change of approach slabs based on the interacted vibration with passing vehicles.” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering,(Accepted). (SCI)

[22] Liu Yang, Lu Naiwei, Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋). A hybrid method for structural system reliability-based design optimization and its application to trusses [J]. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2015, (DOI: 10.1002/qre.1775).SCI


[23] Liu Yang, Lu Naiwei, Noori Mohammad, Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋). System reliability-based optimization for truss structures using genetic algorithm and neural network [J]. International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2014, 8(1): 51-69. (EI) (AN: 20142617861037)

[24] Liu Yang, Lu Naiwei, Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋). An adaptive support vector regression method for structural system reliability assessment and its application to a cable-stayed bridge[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability.(Under review)

[25] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), C.S.Cai, Yang Liu. Non-stationary random vibration of the bridge-vehicle coupled system. [Advanced Materials Research] 2011,5 EI AN(20112314045129).

[26] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), Zhi Fang, C.S.Cai. A new approach for solving bridges lateral vibration induced by moving vehicle loads. [International Symposium on Life-Cycle Performance of Bridge and Structures] 2010 June 27-29, Changsha, China , 872-876.

[27] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋), C.S.Cai, Yang Liu, Zhang Jianren. Non-stationary random vibration for a high-pier bridge under vehicular loads, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering , 2012,12 AN(20124215578537)

[28] Xinfeng Yin(殷新锋),Zhang, Lei;Cai, C.S.;Liu, YangDynamic responses of the beam bridge under moving vehicular loads Advanced Materials Research(Advances in Civil Infrastructure Engineering), v 639-640, n 1, p 1183-1186, 2013, (20130615996982)

[29]殷新锋,丰锦铭,刘扬.考虑桥面等级退化影响的风-车流-桥梁耦合振动分析.工程力学. 2016, 33(3):87-94.

[30]殷新锋,丰锦铭,刘扬.风与车流联合作用下在役桥行车舒适性研究.湖南大学学报. 2016, 43(1):45-52.

[31]殷新锋*,邓露.随机车流作用下桥梁冲击系数分析.湖南大学学报. 2015, 42(9):68-75.

[32]殷新锋,丰锦铭,刘扬,蔡春声.随机车流作用下大跨度悬索桥振动分析.湖南大学学报. 2017,44(1):47-53.

[33]殷新锋丰锦铭刘扬春声考虑随机车流-桥耦合振动及桥面退化影响的拱桥吊杆疲劳分析南大学学报201744(9): 17-25

[34]殷新锋丰锦铭刘扬蔡春声基于桥面退化模型的在役桥梁冲击系数研究应用力学学报2016, 33(3):516-522


[36]殷新锋,刘扬,蔡春声高墩连续桥在移动车载作用下的横向振动分析,振动与冲击2013,32(3):35-40 (20131416162270)



[39]殷新锋,蔡春声,刘扬基于面接触的车桥耦合振动研究,振动工程学报,2012 253):244-252AN(20122815240162)

[40]殷新锋,方志.车辆制动作用下的车辆-路面-桥梁系统振动分析.计算力学学报,2010,27(5): 936-941 AN(20104913466126) (EI)

[41]殷新锋,方志.车辆作用下开裂混凝土连续梁桥的动力响应分析.工程力学, 2009, 26(4): 174-180 AN(20092012082629) (EI)

[42]殷新锋,方志.多跨变截面损伤桥梁的车载动力特性分析.振动工程学报, 2008, 21(4): 387-393 AN(20083911606642) (EI)

[43]方志,殷新锋,彭献.车辆-路面-桥梁系统竖向振动分析.工程力学, 2008, 25(11): 92-99 AN(20085011776791) (EI)

[44]方志,殷新锋,彭献.非匀速车辆与随机路面桥梁的耦合振动分析.振动与冲击, 2007, 27(1): 30-36 AN(20081111147131) (EI)

[45]彭献,殷新锋,方志.变速车辆与路面不平弹性支撑桥梁的耦合振动分析.振动与冲击, 2007, 26(5): 14-18 AN(20072710691456) (EI)

[46]彭献,殷新锋,方志.变速车辆与桥梁的耦合振动及其TMD控制.湖南大学学报, 2006, 33(55): 61-66 AN(20070110339332) (EI)

[47] Wang fei, Fang zhi, Yin xin-feng(殷新锋). Experimental study on seismic performance of Reactive power concrete box piers. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2011 (94): 464-468(EI)

[48],鲁乃唯,殷新锋.基于体系可靠度的钢桁梁结构优化设计[J].中南大学学报《自然科学版》, 2014, 45(10): 3629-3636. (EI) (20150200412797)

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