刘凡,男,汉族,1992年9月生,江西鹰潭人,2022年9月获得日本国立埼玉大学理工学研究科工学博士学位,2023年1月入职长沙理工大学物理与电子科学学院,从事教学科研工作。作为主要完成人,完成华为日本研究所校企合作课题2项,并参与了国家自然科学基金和省部级课题5项;在国内外重要学术期刊和会议上发表学术论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或导师一作发表的SCI论文5篇(其中本领域IEEE顶级和权威期刊论文IEEE T-MTT 1篇、IEEE T-AS 3篇),通信协会A类期刊《中国科学:信息科学》1篇;担任IEEE T-MTT、IEEE T-AS、AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications等国际著名学术期刊审稿人。
1.湖南省教育厅科学研究一般项目,面向移动通信的小型化介质谐振滤波器研究,2023.10 ~ 2025.10,主持。
2.“Research of dielectric resonator filters”,华为技术日本研究所,2019.04 ~ 2021.03,主要完成人,已结题。(荣获华为日本研究所“杰出工作”表彰)
3.“Integrated multi-mode dielectric waveguide filters”,华为技术日本研究所,2021.05 ~ 2022.12,主要完成人,已结题。
[1]Fan Liu, Zhewang Ma, Masataka Ohira, Qiao Dongchun, Pu Guosheng, and Ichikawa Masaru, “Novel combined coaxial and dual-mode dielectric resonator BPFs with symmetric and asymmetric responses using virtual negative couplings,”IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 4947-4956, Nov. 2023.
[2]Fan Liu, Zhewang Ma, Weihao Zhang, Masataka Ohira, Qiao Dongchun, Pu Guosheng and Ichikawa Masaru, “Design of a compact triple-mode dielectric resonator BPF with wide spurious-free performance,”IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E105-C, no. 11, pp. 660-665, Mar. 2022.
[3]刘海文,刘凡,王正彪,“基于新型SRLR结构的双通带超导平衡滤波器研制,”中国科学:信息科学,vol. 50, pp, 1961-1975, Nov. 2019.
[4]Haiwen Liu,Fan Liu, Xuehui Guan, Baoping Ren, Tiankang Liu, Yifan Wang, Pin Wen and Hexiu Xu, “Wide-stopband superconducting bandpass filter using slitted stepped-impedance resonator and composite spurline structure,”IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.28, no.8, pp.1501508, Jul. 2018.
[5]Haiwen Liu,Fan Liu, Feng Qin, Baoping Ren, Pin Wen, and XueHui Guan, “Compact dual-band HTS bandpass filter using spirally asymmetric stepped-impedance resonators,”IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity., vol.23, no. 4, pp. 181-183. Jul. 2016.
[6]Haiwen Liu,Fan Liu, Baoping Ren, Aiping Yao, Xiang Xiao, Yunxiu Yang, Xuehui Guan, “Compact triband bandpass filter using asymmetric stubloaded steppedimpedance resonator with multiple transmission zeros,”International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies., vol. 9, no. 7,pp. 1453-1457. Feb. 2017.
[7]Fan Liu, Zhewang Ma, Weihao Zhang, Masataka Ohira,Qiao Dongchun, Pu Guosheng, and Ichikawa Masaru,“Novel combined coaxial and dielectric resonator filter with controllable transmission zeros,”International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES-China) Symposium, Chengdu, China, Jul. 2021.(特邀报告)
[8]Fan Liu, Zhewang Ma, Weihao Zhang,Qiao Dongchun, Pu Guosheng, and Ichikawa Masaru, “Design of an 11-pole BPF using cascaded triplets of TM010mode dielectric ring resonators,”IEEE International Conference on NEMO, Hangzhou, China, pp. 1-3, Dec. 2020.